ADHD Assessments |
Attention Deficit Hyperactive Disorder (ADHD) refers to neurological differences that impact the parts of the brain that help us plan, focus on, and execute tasks. ADHD symptoms vary by sub-type — inattentive, hyperactive, or combined — and are often more difficult to diagnose in females. Female often internalise their difficulties which can mean that they may present more with more emotional difficulties. ADHD has previously been thought of as a behavioural disorder. It is important to remember that often behaviour is how people communicate struggles and difficulties.
The assessment process
- School observation - this cannot happen if I have met the young person.
- The Conners Rating Scale- Online questionnaire completed by the parents and a teacher and older young people.
- The Conners Early Childhood and Developmental Milestone Rating Scale - for younger school aged children to be completed by the parents and teacher.
- Cognitive Assessment - (see below).
- Executive function screen for parents and the young person.
- A female specific questionnaire.
- Development history (this may have already been covered in a previous session if a current client).
- Feedback from the young person about their struggles (dependent on their age). If they are having a learning assessment, conversations are had with them at the time of the learning assessment.
- Explore cultural identity - pepeha and whakpapa where appropriate.
- Feedback from the current teacher.
- A review of all documentation including all past school reports, pastoral care, and attendance records. Previous reports completed from other services such as pediatrics, SPELD etc.
- Collation of all the information into a report which will include recommendations.
- A feedback session to discuss the report is available but optional (one standard session).
- If parents would like to explore medication, a referral to a pediatrician or Psychiatrist is an option. We will forward the completed report. There are options for both options privately in Hawkes Bay. There is also the option of a referral to the public system. There is no cost for Little Ninjas completing the referral. Costs for the consultation with the private providers would need to be explored by the parents/whānau.
Cognitive Assessments provide a Full-Scale IQ score (FSIQ) as well as scores across the following domains, verbal comprehension, visual spatial skills, fluid reasoning, working memory and processing speed. They provide a snapshot of the young person's current level of intellectual development. When these scores are used as part of a comprehensive evaluation, they contribute to an understanding of their current strengths and any needs that can be addressed.
Administration is mainly tablet based which leads to a high degree of engagement from the young person.
The tools used are dependent on age.
- The Wechsler Preschool and Primary Scale of Intelligence (WPPSI-IV) - children aged 2 years, 6 months through 7 years, 7 months.
- The Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children Australian and New Zealand, (WISC-V - Au & NZ) - children aged 6 years through to 16 years 11 months.
- The Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale (WAIS-IV) - Young people 16 years and older.
We highly recommend a learning assessment as a part of the ADHD assessment. It is well known that learning difficulties are common for people who have ADHD. It provides an opportunity to see if there are any difficulties and also whether the child/young person is reaching their potential. The learning assessment is offered at a reduced rate when combined with other assessments.
Please see information to see what is involved.
Please contact us for the rates as it does differ depending on the type of assessment and age. We HIGHLY recommend the learning assessment as part of the ADHD assessment. Therefore, it is offered at a reduced rate when done as part of the ADHD assessment.
A deposit is required to start any assessment process. We do have options for payment. Please enquire if you require this.
A deposit is required to start any assessment process. We do have options for payment. Please enquire if you require this.